Kali ini kita lihat stick Hori Wireless Fighting Stick 3 milik Kenshi dari Bogor. Yang nga berfungsi lagi karena bluetooth dongle(penerima signal) sudah hilang. Akhirnya diputuskan untuk ganti aja PCB nya dengan yang biasa2 aja, dan buat stick nya jadi pake kabel. Tapi stick & tombol yang semua nya dipakai lagi. Setelah dites semua berjalan dengan baik.
This time we look at the Hori Wireless Fighting Stick 3 that belongs to
Kenshi. The stick no longer works because the owner has lost its
bluetooth dongle(the signal receiver). So he decided to replace its PCB
with an average PS3/PC PCB, and turn the thing into a wired arcade
stick. But all of the old buttons and the stick are not replaced. Once
the mod is done, this stick works as we intended.
Karena casing nya pendek/ceper banget, terpaksa kabel disolder langsung ke tombol2 nya. Tapi kabel dari tiap tombol dihubungkan ke terminal dahulu. Di terminal kabel tadi dihubungkan dengan kabel yang dari PCB. Tujuannya supaya kalau ada apa2 kita nga usah selalu solder-solder, dan buat produk ini lebih mudah diservis/dimodif (misalnya tukar tombol kotak dengan tombol R2).
Since the joystick case is so short, we had to solder the cables to
the buttons. However those cables are connected to a terminal strip.
Then this terminal is used to connect the wires from the PCB, and the
buttons. So people do not really to solder/disolder the buttons whenever
there is a small problem, and to make this product easier to
mod/fix(e.g swap the square button with R2 button).
PCB yang baru emang agak makan tempat, makanya harus dibuang sedikit bagian dari casing(yang kayak tiang itu) supaya PCB nya muat.
Since the joystick case is so short, we had to solder the cables to the buttons. However those cables are connected to a terminal strip. Then this terminal is used to connect the wires from the PCB, and the buttons. So people do not really to solder/disolder the buttons whenever there is a small problem, and to make this product easier to mod/fix(e.g swap the square button with R2 button).
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